Annotation Interface ConditionalOnTrajectory

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) public @interface ConditionalOnTrajectory
This annotation helps to replace service references with new ones. Let us say, we have a service reference in spring defined as "testService" We want to replace this service reference with "testService1" but only if the trajectory id = "t1" You can then use this annotation to accomplish this.

  // original service that needs to be replaced.
  @Bean public TestService testService(){ return new TestServiceImpl(); }
  // replace with this new service only for trajectory id "t1"
  @Bean @ConditionalOnTrajectory(id = "t1", service = "testService")
  public TestService testService1(){ return new TestServiceImpl1();}
 The code above replaces all instances of TestServiceImpl with TestServiceImpl1 but will do so only
 for trajectory ID "t1"
Raja Shankar Kolluru
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    The trajectory ID for which the reference is replaced
    The service name that is being replaced with this new service
  • Element Details

    • id

      String id
      The trajectory ID for which the reference is replaced
    • service

      String service
      The service name that is being replaced with this new service