Class CukesSteps


@ActiveProfiles("unittest") public class CukesSteps extends Object
Cucumber steps to facilitate running tests using normal IN-VM testing (NOT REST based)
These steps are generic since they leverage the scripting language and JSON PATH etc. that are supported by Spring MVC.
See the methods below for the precise Gherkin language that has been created.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • CukesSteps

      public CukesSteps()
  • Method Details

    • makeExchange

      private ChenileExchange makeExchange(String serviceName, String operationName)
    • before

      public void before()
    • i_POST_a_request_with_payload

      @When("I POST a request to service {string} and operation {string} with payload") public void i_POST_a_request_with_payload(String service, String operation, String docString)
    • the_response_contains_key

      @Then("the response contains key {string}") public void the_response_contains_key(String string)
    • evaluate

      protected static Object evaluate(String string, Object root)
    • the_response_key_is

      @Then("the response key {string} is {string}") public void the_response_key_is(String string, String string2)
    • the_response_does_not_contain_key

      @Then("the response does not contain key {string}") public void the_response_does_not_contain_key(String string)
    • a_warning_must_be_thrown_that_says

      @Then("a warning must be thrown that says {string}") public void a_warning_must_be_thrown_that_says(String string)
    • the_response_is_null

      @Then("the response is null") public void the_response_is_null()
    • an_exception_is_thrown_with_message_code

      @Then("an exception is thrown with message code {int}") public void an_exception_is_thrown_with_message_code(Integer int1)
    • an_exception_is_thrown_with_param_number_value

      @Then("an exception is thrown with param number {int} value {string}") public void an_exception_is_thrown_with_param_number_value(Integer int1, String string)
    • a_warning_must_be_thrown_with_code

      @Then("a warning must be thrown with code {int}") public void a_warning_must_be_thrown_with_code(Integer int1)
    • a_warning_must_be_thrown_with_param_number_value

      @Then("a warning must be thrown with param number {int} value {string}") public void a_warning_must_be_thrown_with_param_number_value(Integer int1, String string)