Annotation Interface ChenileParamType

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(PARAMETER) public @interface ChenileParamType
The ChenileParamType is required when the method signature of a service does not match the method signature of the controller. Chenile would not be able to determine the method of the service to call by reflection. The @ChenileParamType helps out by stating the correct param type of the actual service.
{ @Code
  public class ServiceImpl {
      public String foo(Object x){}
  } needs to be invoked by a controller which is defined here:

  public class Controller {
      public String Object(@ChenileParamType(Object.class) SomeClass x){

This situation can happen when the actual type in the Controller is a String whereas the param type expected is an Object (or some other base class). The actual type is determined by the BodyTypeSelector during runtime

Alternatively, there may be a situation when the same service class is reused multiple times. See chenile-workflow for an example. In this situation as well, the class will be of a more specific type in the Controller whilst it will be more generic in the Service class

  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
  • Element Details