Class SecurityInterceptor

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SecurityInterceptor extends BaseChenileInterceptor
This interceptor uses SecurityConfig to secure this particular resource.It first looks at the SecurityConfig to see if there are any guarding authorities for this service. If there are none then this interceptor does nothing.
Next, it looks at the authorities of the signed-in user. It throws a 401 (UNAUTHORIZED) if the authorities don't exist for the current user. Now, it compares current authorities with the guarding authorities for this service. It lets the user in if even one of the guarding authorities exist for the current user. Else it throws a 403 (FORBIDDEN)
Finally, if the SecurityConfig says that the resource is UNPROTECTED, it does not do anything
Please see SecurityConfig for more details about the various annotation fields and how they are used
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SecurityInterceptor

      public SecurityInterceptor()
  • Method Details

    • doPreProcessing

      protected void doPreProcessing(ChenileExchange exchange)
      Description copied from class: BaseChenileInterceptor
      Override this to do pre-processing. This will be called before the service is invoked. Don't expect to see exception or response being set in ChenileExchange. However you can check for ChenileExchange.getBody() to manipulate the body if this interceptor is a Chenile post processor or a service specific or operation specific interceptor.
      If this interceptor is a Chenile pre-processor, then ChenileExchange.getBody() will return null. Then you need to look at headers only.
      doPreProcessing in class BaseChenileInterceptor
    • bypassInterception

      protected boolean bypassInterception(ChenileExchange exchange)
      This bypasses the logic only if the security config is configured to be unprotected or if the security config does not exist at all.
      Also, we will only enforce it in the HTTP end point. We assume that all the other end points are secured
      bypassInterception in class BaseChenileInterceptor
      exchange - the exchange
      true if the SecurityConfig is configured to be UNPROTECTED or if config is missing