Interface WarningAware

All Known Implementing Classes:
ChenileExchange, GenericResponse

public interface WarningAware
Extract and set warnings to response objects (either objects or maps)

It allows for checking of warnings to objects and also to add warnings to objects which are capable of accommodating warnings.

Currently, all objects capable of accommodating warnings will either implement this interface or be a map (in which case a warningMessages key is created in the map)

Raja Shankar Kolluru
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getWarningMessages

      List<ResponseMessage> getWarningMessages()
    • addWarningMessage

      void addWarningMessage(ResponseMessage m)
    • removeAllWarnings

      void removeAllWarnings()
    • obtainWarnings

      static List<ResponseMessage> obtainWarnings(Object data)
    • addWarningMessage

      static void addWarningMessage(Object data, ResponseMessage message)
      Adds a warning message to the context. This method can add warnings to WarningAware data types or map data types
      data -
      message -
    • removeAllWarnings

      static void removeAllWarnings(Object data)
    • addWarningMessages

      static void addWarningMessages(Object data, List<ResponseMessage> warnings)