Class TrajectoryDefinition


public class TrajectoryDefinition extends Object
The trajectory definition details. Trajectories allow experimentation. They may also serve other purposes like overriding services for certain geographies, tenants etc. These overrides customize the services for a specific set of users. Trajectories are highly modular. A new trajectory can be defined/used in a new module. Once the module is removed, the trajectory vanishes from Chenile!

A trajectory can also be an experimental (A-B test) path that provides selected users with alternate services. These paths may invoke experimental services. Loggers will log the trajectories. This will allow us to determine if the experimental services are more effective than the actual services.

Even health checks can be customized for a particular trajectory

  • Field Details

    • id

      private String id
    • trajectoryOverrides

      private Map<String,TrajectoryOverride> trajectoryOverrides
      a map between the service name and the service reference to use for this trajectory. This effects only those services that are configured. Other services will stay unaffected.
  • Constructor Details

    • TrajectoryDefinition

      public TrajectoryDefinition()
  • Method Details