Uses of Package
Cache initializations are done here.
The Cache interceptor is here.
Chenile core beans are initialized in Spring.
The core Chenile exchange objects are defined here.
Event processing and logging classes.
Core Chenile initialization and discovery of all Chenile services.
Define Core Chenile interceptors
The chief model classes that contain Service and Operation information.
Core chenile services that furnish information about services, health checks etc.
Private utils used by Chenile core.
This package defines the HTTP entry point for invoking a Chenile service.
Contains HTTP service initialization code.
Contains initialization code for specific mappings such as GetMapping, PostMapping etc.
Contains all the Chenile MQTT packages, constants, utilities etc.
The entry point for Chenile MQTT
Chenile MQTT Initialization by detecting the ChenileMqtt annotation.
Chenile proxy interceptors.
Chenile proxy interpolations
ClassDescriptionThe core class that contains the entire ChenileConfiguration.
ClassDescriptionDefines an individual parameter that is accepted by an operation of a sevice.
ClassDescriptionThe core class that contains the entire ChenileConfiguration.
ClassDescriptionThe core class that contains the entire ChenileConfiguration.Defines a chenile service.Implement this interface if you are able to persist a log record.Contains details about the particular operation of a service.The combination of service and operation that are mapped to a Chenile event.
ClassDescriptionThe core class that contains the entire ChenileConfiguration.Chenile keeps track of events.
ClassDescriptionThe core class that contains the entire ChenileConfiguration.Chenile keeps track of events.Defines a chenile service.Contains details about the particular operation of a service.The trajectory definition details.
ClassDescriptionThe core class that contains the entire ChenileConfiguration.
ClassDescriptionThe core class that contains the entire ChenileConfiguration.
ClassDescriptionChenile keeps track of events.Defines a chenile service.Bind a parameter of an Operation to a message.The HTTP Method that is supported by the service.Defines the MIME type supported by the particular service.Contains details about the particular operation of a service.Defines an individual parameter that is accepted by an operation of a sevice.The combination of service and operation that are mapped to a Chenile event.The trajectory definition details.For a given service, map a new Spring bean reference for a particular trajectory.
ClassDescriptionThe core class that contains the entire ChenileConfiguration.Defines a chenile service.
ClassDescriptionThe core class that contains the entire ChenileConfiguration.Defines a chenile service.Contains details about the particular operation of a service.
ClassDescriptionThe combination of service and operation that are mapped to a Chenile event.
ClassDescriptionDefines a chenile service.Contains details about the particular operation of a service.
ClassDescriptionThe core class that contains the entire ChenileConfiguration.Defines a chenile service.
ClassDescriptionDefines a chenile service.The HTTP Method that is supported by the service.Contains details about the particular operation of a service.Defines an individual parameter that is accepted by an operation of a sevice.
ClassDescriptionThe core class that contains the entire ChenileConfiguration.
ClassDescriptionThe core class that contains the entire ChenileConfiguration.
ClassDescriptionThe core class that contains the entire ChenileConfiguration.
ClassDescriptionThe core class that contains the entire ChenileConfiguration.Contains details about the particular operation of a service.
ClassDescriptionThe core class that contains the entire ChenileConfiguration.
ClassDescriptionThe core class that contains the entire ChenileConfiguration.Defines a chenile service.Contains details about the particular operation of a service.
ClassDescriptionDefines a chenile service.Contains details about the particular operation of a service.