Interface ComponentPropertiesAware

All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseCustomComponentPropertiesAction, BaseScriptingAction, IfAction, ScriptAction, SwitchAction

public interface ComponentPropertiesAware
Actions (both actions and transition actions) implement this interface to obtain access to custom properties that can be set.
Raja Shankar Kolluru
  • Method Details

    • setComponentPropertiesHelper

      void setComponentPropertiesHelper(ComponentPropertiesHelper cph)
    • setEnableInlineScriptsInProperties

      void setEnableInlineScriptsInProperties(boolean enable)
      This property is used to enable or disable inline scripts (basically constructs of type "${xxx}somestuff" where xxx needs to be evaluated as an expression on the passed flow context. The expression is as powerful as the scripting strategy would allow it to be. Some scripting strategies are trivial such as bean-utils. Some of them such as OGNL (which is the default scripting strategy that is supported by STM) can be more powerful.
      enable -