Class BaseCustomComponentPropertiesAction<StateEntityType extends StateEntity>

Type Parameters:
StateEntityType -
All Implemented Interfaces:
ComponentPropertiesAware, STMAutomaticStateComputation<StateEntityType>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class BaseCustomComponentPropertiesAction<StateEntityType extends StateEntity> extends STMActionBase<StateEntityType> implements ComponentPropertiesAware
Extend this action if it is desired to obtain access to properties that have been set up per state descriptor in the STD.
Raja Shankar Kolluru
  • Field Details

    • componentPropertiesHelper

      protected ComponentPropertiesHelper componentPropertiesHelper
    • enableInlineScriptsInProperties

      protected boolean enableInlineScriptsInProperties
  • Constructor Details

    • BaseCustomComponentPropertiesAction

      public BaseCustomComponentPropertiesAction()
  • Method Details

    • isEnableInlineScriptsInProperties

      public boolean isEnableInlineScriptsInProperties()
    • setEnableInlineScriptsInProperties

      public void setEnableInlineScriptsInProperties(boolean enableInlineScriptsInProperties)
      Description copied from interface: ComponentPropertiesAware
      This property is used to enable or disable inline scripts (basically constructs of type "${xxx}somestuff" where xxx needs to be evaluated as an expression on the passed flow context. The expression is as powerful as the scripting strategy would allow it to be. Some scripting strategies are trivial such as bean-utils. Some of them such as OGNL (which is the default scripting strategy that is supported by STM) can be more powerful.
      Specified by:
      setEnableInlineScriptsInProperties in interface ComponentPropertiesAware
    • setComponentPropertiesHelper

      public void setComponentPropertiesHelper(ComponentPropertiesHelper cph)
      Specified by:
      setComponentPropertiesHelper in interface ComponentPropertiesAware
    • getComponentProperty

      public String getComponentProperty(StateEntityType stateEntity, String propertyName)
    • getComponentProperty

      protected String getComponentProperty(StateEntityType stateEntity, String propertyName, String defaultValue)