Package org.chenile.workflow.service.stmcmds
package org.chenile.workflow.service.stmcmds
Workflow entry, exit commands etc. Support for a workflow
ClassesClassDescriptionBaseTransitionAction<T extends StateEntity>
supports a default transition action.GenericEntryAction<T extends ExtendedStateEntity>GenericExitAction<T extends StateEntity>GenericRetrievalStrategy<T extends ExtendedStateEntity>This class returns the applicable authorities for theStateEntityServiceImpl.processById(String, String, Object)
method.Selects the body type of theChenileExchange
based on the event Id passed This should be used as the body type selector for theStateEntityServiceImpl.process(org.chenile.stm.StateEntity, String, Object)
method.Resolves bean name for the STM transition action in spring using the event ID and a prefix which is specific to the workflow.