Class BaseTransitionAction<T extends StateEntity>

Type Parameters:
T - - the state entity
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BaseTransitionAction<T extends StateEntity> extends Object implements STMTransitionAction<T>
STM supports a default transition action. If an event is not mapped to an STMTransitionAction then the default transition action is invoked.

This class is a good candidate to act as the default transition action. It provides the following functionality:

It can provide a bridge to the OWIZ framework. If an OWIZ Command is configured or an OWIZ OrchExecutor is configured in the metadata of the transition, then those are invoked. It also supports if an OWIZ XML is specified. It instantiates the OrchExecutor based on the XML and executes the OrchExecutor.

If an ActivityChecker is injected into this command, then it can log all MANDATORY and OPTIONAL activities. It can also check that all activities are completed if the transition is of type COMPLETION_CHECKER.

It can invoke a default transition command if injected with an STMTransitionActionResolver. The resolver provides a component without it being specified as a componentName in the transition.