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Package Summary
Contains all exception classes for well-known HTTP status codes.Services must throw these.
Chenile Response objects are defined here.
Caching interface is defined here.
Cache initializations are done here.
The Cache interceptor is here.
Cache model objects.
Cloud Edge switch configuration.
Cloud edge switch - the interceptor class is defined here
Error codes emitted by the cloud edge switch
Contains the Maven plugin code that executes during IT testing.
Cache is defined in Spring here.
Cloud edge switch related beans registered in spring
Defines the MyBatis query controller.
This is defined for those who need it.
Chenile core beans are initialized in Spring.
Configures Chenile HTTP beans in Spring
Setting up the JPA utils beans in Spring
Chenile MQTT Spring beans registration
Registers key chenile proxy beans in spring
Registers the key query beans in Spring
Bean definitions for security services
Setting up the utils beans in Spring
Contains Salient Chenile Annotations
The core Chenile exchange objects are defined here.
Contains the core Chenile entry point which serves as the entry for the Chenile ecosystem.
Core Chenile error codes
Event processing and logging classes.
Support for Chenile internationalization
Core Chenile initialization and discovery of all Chenile services.
Define Core Chenile interceptors
The chief model classes that contain Service and Operation information.
Core chenile services that furnish information about services, health checks etc.
The Chenile transformation framework that transforms JSON to Object.
Private utils used by Chenile core.
Cucumber context and steps definitions.
Contains the Gherkin language support for Non Rest interactions
Contains the Gherkin language support for Rest interactions
Contains the Gherkin language support for Rest interactions for Security
Chenile key http packages and constants
Extended Chenile HTTP based annotations
This package defines the HTTP entry point for invoking a Chenile service.
Contains HTTP service initialization code.
Contains initialization code for specific mappings such as GetMapping, PostMapping etc.
JPA entity related super classes etc.
Contains all the Chenile MQTT packages, constants, utilities etc.
The entry point for Chenile MQTT
Chenile MQTT error codes
Chenile MQTT Initialization by detecting the ChenileMqtt annotation.
Contains Chenile MQTT annotation
Contains the Publisher and subscriber for Chenile MQTT.
Contains the MqttBaseTest class that instantiates the Keycloak test container.
Contains core definitions for Orchestration Wizard
Contains key classes and packages for capturing config information.
Implementation of the classes that capture the configuration model from various sources such as XML etc.
Orchestration Config model classes.
Exception class for Orchestration Wizard.
Key Command implementations, chain implementations and base classes are defined here.
Orchestration Wizard routing that leverages OGNL as a scripting library.
Splitter Aggregate pattern implemented here.
Contains Chenile proxy builder class.
Error codes for chenile proxy
Chenile proxy interceptors.
Chenile proxy interpolations
Contains the core model of the QUERY API that can be extended by various implementations.
Defines contracts for Search using the query model.
Query service error codes
Named Query service implementation classes in Mybatis.
Contains key interceptors that can be used in conjunction with the Chenile Query service.
Defines base security constructs.
This class contains the SecurityInterceptor
Defines annotations to define the authorities for a service / operation.
Defines basic security interfaces for the current user and for services / operations
Implementations for Security which do not make assumptions about the actual security implementation.
Contains the BaseSecurityTest class that instantiates the Keycloak test container.
Contains specific action implementations that support some kind of a scripting DSL.
Contains a main method that can perform various CLI functions
State machine related DTOs
This package contains a set of dummy components which can be used to instantiate a state diagram without instantiating the components.
This is useful to get info about the state transition diagram without actually instantiating the State Transition machine.
It also contains a dummy STMFlowStore that can be used to instantiate the flow impl without instantiating the individual components.
Contains exception class(es).
Contains Implementation classes (including base implementations) for a bunch of STM interfaces.
Contains a bunch of descriptor classes to hold various kinds of meta data.
Contains support for OGNL.
Support for Spring in STM
General support to test the Chenile model (including errors and warnings) for Spring MVC
JPA entity related super classes etc.
String utils
Multi tenant support utils
Multi tenancy support.
Support for Workflow.
Workflow related API support DTOs.
Defines the payload that would be passed as a parameter for event processing.
Workflow implementation classes.
Workflow entry, exit commands etc.