Uses of Package

Packages that use org.chenile.core.context
The Cache interceptor is here.
Cloud edge switch - the interceptor class is defined here
Chenile core beans are initialized in Spring.
Registers key chenile proxy beans in spring
Registers the key query beans in Spring
The core Chenile exchange objects are defined here.
Contains the core Chenile entry point which serves as the entry for the Chenile ecosystem.
Event processing and logging classes.
Core Chenile initialization and discovery of all Chenile services.
Define Core Chenile interceptors
The chief model classes that contain Service and Operation information.
The Chenile transformation framework that transforms JSON to Object.
Contains the Gherkin language support for Non Rest interactions
This package defines the HTTP entry point for invoking a Chenile service.
The entry point for Chenile MQTT
Contains Chenile proxy builder class.
Chenile proxy interceptors.
Chenile proxy interpolations
Defines contracts for Search using the query model.
Contains key interceptors that can be used in conjunction with the Chenile Query service.
Defines base security constructs.
This class contains the SecurityInterceptor
Defines annotations to define the authorities for a service / operation.
Defines basic security interfaces for the current user and for services / operations
Implementations for Security which do not make assumptions about the actual security implementation.
Workflow entry, exit commands etc.